tisdag 21 juli 2009

Obama säger fel om sjukvård

Minns ni en av de där klassiska "Bushismerna" - "misunderestimated"?

Obama som i många politiska avseenden börjat traska i Bushs fotspår, gör nu samma sak även i detta avseende - när han idag gjorde ett snarlikt, fast förmodligen värre misstag med tanke på ordets innebörd och det ämne han talade om. Politico skriver:

"Would health care reform bring "greater inefficiencies" to the country's health care system?

That's exactly what Obama said Monday when he spoke about health care reform at the Childrens National Medical Center in Washington.

"The reforms we seek would bring greater competition, choice, savings and inefficiencies to our health care system," Obama said in remarks after a health care roundtable with physicians, nurses and health care providers. "And greater stability and security to America's families and businesses."

Här är klippet:

Politico skriver vidare:

"The White House quickly recognized the mistake and inserted a "sic" in the remarks sent to reporters on Monday afternoon.

Josh Earnest, a White House deputy press secretary, said Obama "misspoke" in his remarks.

"Everyone knew exactly what he was saying," Earnest said."

Kanske är det snarare så att många under en längre tid har "missoverestimated" Mr Obama.

Källa: Politico

Se även tidigare inlägg:

Ronald Reagan om socialiserad sjukvård 20090720

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